November 6

11 years since Australia said No: Affirmation Day





Eleven years ago, marshalling over 50,000 supporters across the Commonwealth, ACM ran a tight and ultimately successful campaign which resulted in a landslide rejection of the politicians' republic nationally in every state and 73% of electorates.

Last year was the tenth anniversary, which was celebrated appropriately by constitutional monarchists. Known as Affirmation Day, the 26th Prime Minister, John Howard, spoke at length on the referendum result for the first time.

In the meantime, the republicans produced a rogue internet opinion poll based on a vague question which suggested support for a republic had risen surprisingly to 59%.

…support for republic collapsing…

 This year the  polls are showing a continuing decline to the low forties for a avgue undefined republic. A survey commissioned by the Victorian government found that two thirds of Victorians are opposed to a republic. To put this in context Victoria voted No in1999, but it was the sate which recorded the highest Yes vote.

And most polls which divide voters by age show little passion for a republic among the young.

The republicans expect that another referendum would be defeated and accordingly demand one or two plebiscites (they are even divided even on the number) where they could keep the details of their plans away from the public.

And they now claim their politicians’ republic is not related to changing the Flag.

But as the republican newspaper The Age argues, nobody thinks the Flag will survive a politicians’ republic, so why not change it now –after all The Age says, a republic is inevitable.

They can think that at the Spencer Street Soviet. But as Benjamin Franklin said

 In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.

And he was a republican.





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