May 11

60 Minutes New Flag Push on ANZAC Day


War Memorials across the nation record that Australians served “For God, King and Country.”   It is not fair to the memory, and it is not good for the nation for people to seek to diminish this.

The beautiful document below was seen at the Cenotaph on ANZAC Day, 2010 in Sydney by Ben Zoffman who has given us permission to use this.

Although unrelated to the soldier so honoured, his paternal grandfather Tom (who was born in Denmark and came to Australia in the 20's) was part  of the New Guinea Volunteer Rifles. Ben intends to march in his honour next year.


….analysis of the 60 Minute programme…

 In the meantime, a reader Bruce Smith has undertaken a careful analysis of the Sixty Minutes Flag programme on ANZAC Day. You may read this here. His email follows . l

Dear Mr Martin A friend, who wants to change the flag, and I, (pro flag) each did a critique of the 60 Minutes programme. Although neither of us changed our position, we were both appalled at the quality of the programme. Kerry Packer would have turned in his grave on three counts: 

1.    60 Minutes being used by one of its reporters to push his own agenda 

2.    You, the moderator, abusing your position by being the major debater for change

3.    The biased editing  I have attached two documents.  

The first is a cut and paste job of the published transcript placing pro and anti comments in their own sections. The result is shameful.  

The second is a critique of the questionable comments and editing. Sadly, yours and Peter FitzSimons’s and Pauline Hanson’s were the principal offenders with respect to questionable comments. 

Yours sincerely 

 Bruce Francis 


Keep Our Flag

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