September 14

Winning new ARM approach

“Strewth" is one of the most popular columns in the press today.  Edited by columnist James Jeffrey, it is read widely in national media and political circles where it gives a certain relief from the tensions of the day.

Today, after entertaining readers about our newly minted Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd and his favourite New York night club, and Barnaby Joyce telling Sky’s David Speers that a Strewth item yesterday about Andrew Robb was no more than hearsay, the column regaled the nation with the ARM's new approach to winning hearts and minds.

This follows under Strewth's eye catching logo.

Sharp as a Flint

IT seems the Australian Republican Movement has decided that when it comes to winning the heart and mind of noted monarchist David Flint, a new approach may be in order, and it's one that cleverly combines elements of tough love with a multiple choice quiz.

After Flint penned a piece the other day about Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams visiting Australia in 1999 and urging a yes vote in our referendum on the republic, Flint received an email from ARM national media director David Donovan.

It reads "When did Gerry Adams come to Australia in 1999 and when did he ask Australians to vote yes to the referendum? No one seems to be able to find any record of either event. Are you quite mad, a habitual liar or just an idiot? "

It took us two seconds to discover Adams visited Australia for eight days in February 1999; we used the internet. As for the other matter, here's a snippet from The Sun-Herald at the time: "Mr Adams also urged Australians to vote yes in December's republic referendum. 'I believe in the republic as the democratic form of society,' he said. 'I don't have time for monarchies of any kind.' "

We hope that helps. 


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