May 4

Leading Australian republicans attack US over Osama bin Laden

The killing of Osama bin Laden, apparently when a US soldier believed he was reaching for a weapon, has been attacked by leading Australian republicans, Greg Barns and expatriate Queen’s Counsel Geoffrey Robertson.

Greg Barns was national campaign director during the referendum and then head of the Australian Republican Movement in succession to Malcolm Turnbull. His  campaigning style, according to Malcolm Turnbull was " When you see a head, kick it."

Mr. Barns revealed after the referendum that Malcolm Turnbull had been the principal benefactor of the ARM and that the other wealthy celebrities had contributed little apart from their names and faces.

He is  a virulent critic of the Royal Family.

Geoffrey Robertson QC is a constant and most prominent campaigner against the monarchy both here and in the United Kingdom – where he lives and practises, having accepted the rank of Queen's Counsel.  His expatriate wife, Kathy Lette is another virulent critic of the Royal Family , but seems to have surrendered to its charms under the glow of the Royal Wedding.


..Australian republican lawyers call for trial…


Both Mr Barns and Mr. Robertson QC believe that bin Laden should have been put on trial.

President Clinton is isaid to have regretted, as his worst decision, not arresting bin Laden on a flight to Afghanistan. He did this on FBI advice that the charges would not stand up in a US court because the evidence against him, however true, would have been inadmissible.




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