April 5

An Ode to RWM’s ( Republicans without a Model)


[ Republican Court – Lady Washington's Reception Day. Daniel Huntington ]

If you want “a republic” pray tell us which one.

The one from America – from Zimbabwe – which one?

If only you’d tell us – we could say yes or no.

If not, then let’s stick with our good status quo.

It’s given us a century of stability and peace

And never – repeat never– let us down- so please

Stop your chanting for a totally undefined dream

And your call for a “Mate” for your Head of State team.

Already we have one – our Australian GG,

“I perform ALL the Head of State duties”  says she,

Malcolm Turnbull describes it “the best country in the world

A unique Aussie system that works very well”

So just leave it alone with our flag flying high,

And explain to our children how it works – and why.

[Sent to ACM by a grateful immigrant family. Sources for the quotations are (1) “I fulfil all the functions of a Head of State” SMH 24 Jan 2006 (2) His letter to his Wentworth constituents, 5 May 2004 (3) The Australian 16 July 2001.]




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