April 8

Leading republican supports forcing Falkland Islanders into submission

Leading republican flag changer Peter FitzSimons' latest considered opinion is that its “broadly hard to argue” with Argentina’s claim to the Falklands: Sun-Herald 8 April 2012.

His sole authority for this statement is this observation by Argentina's President:

“It is an injustice that a colonialist enclave still exists a few hundred kilometres from our shores in the 21st century. It is absurd to pretend dominion 8000 miles overseas”

This is of absolutely no relevance. By the same token New Caledonia, more than 10,000 miles from France, would be Australian.

The point is that under international law , there can be no doubt that the islands are British. Moreover the Falkland Islanders do not want to be part of Argentina, whose military dictators were defeated when they invaded the island 30 years ago. In a rare act of unity, the UN Security Council condemned the invasion. 


Is his view that people should be forced to give up their allegiance to the Crown a view that is widely held among Australian republicans?




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