September 20

ACM 20th Annual National Conference


Wednesday 6 November

Tickets now on sale. Morning tea and a light lunch included for only $69 ( full time students $39)

Bringing together ACMʼs founders, those who delivered the 1999 landslide victory in the field as well as participants in ACMʼs daily central command, the engine room of the campaign, including key ministers of the Crown:

Not so much to reminisce, but to ensure the fulfilment of John Howardʼs admonition to keep ACM ( declared by Tony Abbott to be the ‘constitutionʼs fiercest defenders) prepared and ready to engage with any republican resurgence;

To hear, in addresses and Q&A sessions, from those who led us to victory , on lessons learned, on keeping ACM sleek, modern and resilient, on the crucial issues for which we must always be consistent and ready, on necessary generational change, on financial, moral and intellectual integrity in campaigning and on how the constitutional reform agenda must not, after three wasted decades, be cluttered with the near comatose issue of a politiciansʼ republic.


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