January 17

“ Dear Davo”….Peter FitzSimons writes to me.

Peter FitzSimons has neither conceded nor even mentioned the fact that in the ACM column of 18 December, 2005 we revealed his secret republican plan on which he said he had been working for months.

This, the mate for Head of State campaign,with republicans wearing yellow ribbons, took a brains trust of republicans months of hard work to finalise.

Mr FitzSimons comment, in his Sun Herald column, FitzFiles, appeared on15 January, 2006. For those who have not seen it , here it is, published under the heading,”Monarchy faces a grilling”:

“Attention Professor David Flint.

From: Your secret operative.

Dear Davo,

OK, it’s all set. Having infiltrated the republican movement, I have promised to keep you updated on what those chardonnay-sucking .caffelatte-dribbling elitists are up to next-and I really do have news.

Next Wednesday is at a function at the Sydney Institute, those republican mongrels are going to launch their new slogan-‘A mate for Head of State”-and a proposal that every Sunday before Australia Day those who believe in the idea of Australia being a republic hold barbecues for friends and spread the republican word from there.

Stand by for futher details.

Anyhoo, Flinto, hooroo,tootle-oo,and be sure to throw another prawn on barbie for moi.

Vive etc,


And until next time,

David Flint

[email protected]


mate for head of state

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