January 18

One of their mates for head of state


Republicans are to relaunch their campaign for a republic with the slogan: “A Mate for a Head of State Day” today.

“Australia is a free country, and the republicans are of course entitled to have any campaign they want.  What they are not entitled to is one more cent of the taxpayers’ hard earned money,” said ACM National Convenor David Flint.

“They’ve had four goes at the public purse, successfully diverting millions and millions from schools and hospitals into this.” 

"In 1999, they were allowed to write their own republican model which was put to the people. It was ejected in every state and 72% of electorates.”

“In 2004, wasteful and stacked senate committee adopted their plan to compel Australians to keep on voting “until they get it right”. They are calling for two very expensive plebiscites before we get to a federal referendum. That’s before we get to the states and the flag”

“The republicans say they want a republic, but then say they haven’t the foggiest idea what sort of republic. They openly disagree among themselves about the process, Liberal Senator Marise Payne having publicly broken ranks about this” 

“ Is it coincidental they are holding the launch in one of the few public buildings in Australia , where like the Bondi Pavilion the state government appointed trustees won’t allow  the Australian Flag to be flown, even on Australia Day?” asked Professor Flint.


ACM has been following the “ mate for head of state campaign “ in the following often light hearted comments on the ACM website:

1.Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree         18 December, 2005:

Journalist Peter FitzSimons has been hinting at the other stunt for some time. He and a band of republicans have been furiously working on this for months at a secret location in Sydney’s legal precinct, Phillip Street.

Now I know from his column in the Fairfax Sun Herald that Mr FitzSimons does not like me reminding republicans who get stuck into Prince Charles that he raised a quarter of a billion dollars for the underprivileged last year, but its true.

That aside , the republican campaign that Mr FitzSimons and the republican lawyers have been beavering away to achieve is now out.

The Sunday before Australia Day, Sunday 22 January 2006, is to be….. “A Mate for Head of State Day!” 

That’s it. “A Mate for Head of State Day.”

What a winner! That will persuade vast numbers of Australians to throw out their Constitution and to change the Australian flag.

2.“When they call you "mate"… it ‘s like getting a kiss from the Mafia.” 20 December, 2005: http://norepublic.com.au/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=318&Itemid=4
… In 1983, delegates at a Labor Party Conference applauded Bill Hayden when he recalled the way a Labor official addressed him while plotting to remove him as leader: “Oh mate, mate.”

Bill Hayden observed: “When they call you "mate" in the NSW Labor Party; it is like getting a kiss from the Mafia.”

When Lionel Murphy was charged with perverting the course of justice, he denied referring to the accused he was alleged to have tried to help improperly as ” my little mate”.

3."Mate – you’re busted! I’m going to report you to Republic HQ." 20 December, 2005 : http://norepublic.com.au/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=321&Itemid=4

Sen.Boswell exposes republican senator …Senator Fifield pleaded: "Bozzie, mate, I don’t have a problem with Australian royalty…. Bozzie, you could almost convince me if we could introduce some sort of contestability into the monarchy…

4.Republican leader slams Australia: "Backwater… racist, inward looking, pigsty"
22 December, 2005 http://norepublic.com.au/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=324&Itemid=4

… as the republican movement are about to pin on their gold ribbons and launch the “My little mate for Head of State” campaign, one of the nation’s most prominent republicans has declared Australia “a pigsty.. … “… a backwater, a racist and inward-looking country”

5.Finding a mate in….a pigsty.11 January, 2006    
Apparently the Mate for Head of State campaign launch was announced on the ABC’s Radio National at about 7.45AM on Wednesday, 11 January, 2005. I suppose that Radio National, in the interests of … 

6.Republicans sow confusion 13 January, 2006  
Ms. Henderson was on an ABC. programme on 12 January, 2006 to attract support for Peter FizSimon’s brainchild –“a mate for a head of state day.” She is co hosting the Sydney Institute launch next week   …

7."Mate" campaign:republicans will soon be asking who was to blame?15 January, 2006;
I suspect that soon republicans will ask who is to blame for the mate for head of state campaign.
This  column revealed some time ago it was Peter FitzSimons. He had been too eager to tantalise … 
8.One of their mates for head of state competition. 15 January, 2006http://norepublic.com.au/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=446&Itemid=4
…to replace our Governor –General, the Head of State who is above politics, with one of their political mates. They admit as much in their current campaign about making one of their mates the republic …

9.Celebrating The Queen’s Eightieth Birthday- in Australia
16 January, 2006 
Peter FitzSimons, it will be recalled, has been labouring for many months to produce that bombshell, the “mate for a head of state campaign”, whose celebrants are to be adorned with yellow ribbons …

10.“ Dear Davo”….Peter FitzSimons writes to me.
17 January, 2006  

In 2005 we revealed his secret republican plan on which he said he had been working for months. This, the mate for Head of State campaign, with republicans wearing yellow ribbons, took a brains trust  months of hard work to finalise…  


End of backgrounder


ARM, mate for head of state

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