July 20

Land of my heart

An ACM supporter, David Ward, has written words and music for a Patriotic song, entitled "Land of my heart".

Click here to download an MP3 version. This is performed by Elli Green & Marcus Bortolotti.

The words follow.

Verse (1)

God bless Australia, the pride of my soul,
Without her wild beauty, my life is not whole;
Land of my passion, my hopes and my dreams,
Of scorched searing deserts and shimmering streams;
Of shear mountain ranges and vast golden plains,
Of drought, flood and fire, and soft summer rains:


Australia my country, my love has no bounds,
Though your beauty bewitches, beguiles and confouds:
While the mighty rock soars from the nation's red heart,
While the brolgas are dancing with measureless art;
While the burras are laughing, while the cockatoos roar,
Australia my homeland, I'll love and adore:
May dear God bless Australia, and keep her ever strong and free,
She's our pride and our glody, amidst the bright encircling sea:
We shall love her forever, the great south land AUST-RA-LI-A.

Verse (2)

Red, white and blue, rides our flag on the winds,
A'waltzing and gleaming, dark fears it rescinds;
Guarding our shores like the deep sapphire sea,
This land of the dreaming, and home of the free:
Let here in contentment, good humour and pride,
Our hearts like the wattle, forever reside:

Verse (3)

God of the nations, our shield and our light,
Defend this our homeland, with justice and might;
Let not the tyrant, encroach on our shores,
And gently exort us, to follow your laws;
Within your arms safely, our nation enfold;
Through light and through darkness, your people uphold:

Click here to download an MP3 version.  This is performed by Elli Green & Marcus Bortolotti.


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