ACM has announced details of our national conference which takes place this year in Melbourne on the weekend of 8 and 9 October. You can download the brochure here.
This is ACM's 12th such conference since the 1999 referendum.
…record unequalled…
There were nineteen groups with elected delegates at the 1998 Constitutional Convention, six of which supported the constitutional monarchy. Alone among them, ACM is the only group – monarchist or republican – which has held a national conference on the issue in each of the following years. None of the others comes even close to this record.
Nor have we been Sydney-centric. We have held our conferences across the country, from Perth to the Quensland Gold Coast. (Our last Melbourne conference was held before the referendum.)
This unbroken record of annual national conferences is testament to the dedication of the supporters of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy and their commitment to our mission.
…magic of monarchy…
There is much to discuss and much to plan. The theme of this year’s conference is something we have talked about for years, and which flows from the visits of Prince William and the forthcoming visit of The Queen.
The theme is “The Magic of Monarchy”. This of course in no way dissuades us from emphasising the fundamental purpose of our association, “ To Preserve To Protect and To Defend Our Heritage: the Australian Constitutional System, the Role of the Crown in it, and Our Flag.”
We are, after all, constitutional monarchists. It was on that basis that we fought the referendum, much to the chagrin of our opponents.
The conference will be held at Morgan’s Conference Centre, Morgan’s at 401, in Collins Street. This is an excellent venue, one which we have previously used for Victorian functions.
We shall take the opportunity of reporting on the ways ACM is employing the internet and social media to ensure that we are reaching out to other Australians and especially the young. We hope that supporters will be greatly encouraged by what is being achieved in these fields.
…opinion poll report…
We are delighted to be able to announce that the leading Australian pollster Gary Morgan and his colleagues will be presenting a paper of singular importance to our purposes, one on opinion polling. We have established a section on our website on this; it will be interesting to see whether there is a concordance between our opinions and those of an expert.
….creeping republicanism…
There will be a panel of MP’s and councillors who will report to us on the action they have been taking against the scourge of creeping republicanism. We are inviting the divisions to present reports of the conference and we will convene a panel of young advocates for the monarchy.
….National Schools’ Competition…
As we did last year in Sydney, we shall hear from the finalists in our national competition for the Neville Bonner Memorial prize. This will give us all an opportunity to see how our education project in operation. As you know we have established a separate site for this purpose which is proving particularly popular among the young.
…keynote speaker..
This year our keynote speaker is an outstanding Australian, Sir Trevor Garland. Sir Trevor was recently knighted by Prince Charles in London.
…special event at Astolat ….
On Sunday we are offering an excellent excursion, an afternoon of food, chamber music and opera arias in Peter Reilly’s wonderful mansion Astolat, which is set in beautiful gardens at Camberwell.

You can download the conference brochure here.
This should be a memorable conference and one on which we can reaffirm and renew our commitment to Preserve, to Protect and to Defend Our Heritage: Our Australian Constitutional System, The Role of The Australian Crown in Our System and Our Australian Flag.
God Save the Queen! Advance Australia Fair!