May 15

Republican of the year-last year, that is

In  our column of 1 May 2006 we indicated that Alex Mitchell and Kerry-Anne Walshe (Sun Herald 30 April, 2006) had a scoop – the name of the republican of the year (actually  last year) which was to be to be announced in Orange on 20 May, 2006  in the presence of Mayor. David Byers, our man on the ground, sent the following to the Orange newspaper The Central Western Daily. The editor published this letter on Tuesday, the 9th of May:



Well, it is formally to be announced – the earth shatteringly important news we have been lying awake at night to hear – the Republican for 2005!  You heard right – Orange Mayor John Davis on 20th May will announce that (drum roll) Phillip Adams is to be LAST year’s Republican of the Year   – a declaration with the resonance of   the now famous Juan Antonio Samaranch’s ‘and the winner is …Sid-nee’.  


Mr John Davis as a private citizen can come out and support whatever he likes, but it is to be hoped that his attendance at this “event”, is not done in the capacity of Mayor of Orange or more to the point, on the taxpayer’s tab. 


Mr. Davis is clearly very out of step with the people of the Central West who overwhelming voted NO in the 1999 Republic Referendum and especially the people of Orange who returned one of the highest NO votes in NSW! Judging by the one year time lapse in announcing last year’s winner, the eminent Mayor is not only out of step with what the people of today want but seems to deem this issue about as important as oranges are to Orange’s economy.


It is sad to see, that whilst most of us have put the asinine idea of a republic behind us, some, who should know better, cannot accept the peoples’ lack of enthusiasm for the issue.”


Well said, David.


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