March 31

Ridiculing the recognition of the hero of Timor

Many politicians and members of the commentariat  ridiculed the recognition of the hero of Timor, General Sir Peter Cosgrove and the last Governor-General Dame Quentin Bryce but young people reacted with strong interest, as shown here.
Following the announcement of their recognition, ACM's reach on Facebook went up by 223% to just under 200,000.

And 53% of our over 43,000 fans ( or ''Likes"") are under 25 and 64% under 35, confirming the recent Fairfax Reach Poll that young people are not interested in any politicians' republic replacing our crowned republic.

The republican politicians and commentariat must have forgotten how they had to scrub the egg off their face after their 1999 landslide defeat in all states and 72% of electorates.

Anyway, here's the former Governor General Dame Quentin Bryce obviously delighted as she unveils her official portrait, painted by Ralph Heimans, during a Parliamentary reception to farewell her at Parliament House in Canberra on Tuesday. 




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