July 17

Say No Politicians’ Republic


Notwithstanding her age, even when something is unplanned, the Queen is quite capable of performing the task. Have you noticed how she comes down stairs unassisted?

And remember, notwithstanding the incompetence or is it the mischief of some journalists, British taxpayers do not fund the Queen, or members of the Royal Family and even the maintenance and renovations of public buildings used for official duties.

The Queen, and that includes her performance of her duties as Queen of Australia and in relation to each of the states as well as Head of the Commonwealth, as well as all members our Royal Family do what they do out of a sense of service.

We wouldn’t get that under the republic the oath-breaking politicians are still pushing.

In the words of one of ACM’s several winning slogans  SAY NO TO THE POLITICIANS’ REPUBLIC! https://www.nowtolove.com.au/royals/british-royal-family/queen-elizabeth-tree-planting-56956


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