August 20

Tenth National Conference Perth, September


ACM has held a National Conference each year since the 1999 referendum.

The tenth in this series will be held at the Northbridge Hotel in Perth from Friday 19 September to Sunday 21 September, 2008.

This will coincide with Perth’s celebrated Wildflower Festival, and there will be optional tours to see this.

…the government’s plans…

The Conference takes place at a time when the Federal Government is committed to diverting millions more from such matters as schools and hospitals into removing from our constitutional system our oldest institution, the one which provides leadership beyond politics, the Australian Crown.

This is despite the clearest rejection by the people in the 1999 landslide vote against the model chosen by the overwhelming majority of republicans.

The government now admits it will actually hold a vote on this without revealing what it plans to put in the place of this crucial check and balance against the potential abuse of power by politicians.

If this were successful, most republicans then plan to replace our flag. Yet again they refuse to tell the people what flag they are planning to take the place of  our beloved flag.

Accordingly the   theme of the tenth National Conference will be ACM’s campaign to defend the constitution and the flag over the coming years, and particularly in 2009-2010.

…the Tenth National Conference…

 The tenth  National Conference is to be opened by the Hon Alexander Downer ( probably by video as he is now likely to be in Cyprus for the UN) and the keynote speech will be given by the Hon. Richard Court, the only Premier at the 1998 Constitutional Convention strong enough and principled enough to retain his allegiance to the Australian Crown.

There will be a special briefing on referendums and plebiscites, and a session on ACM’s educational project.Reports will be presented from ACM’s State and Territory Divisions, and a panel of young Australians will explain why they are constitutional monarchists.A forum on our campaign will be addressed by speakers.

These include Professor Gabriel Moens, an internationally renowned expert in comparative constitutional law and Dean of Law at Murdoch University.The noted commentator, Joseph Poprzeczny  will be speaking on Citizen Initiated Referendums, CIR’s .

Without ACM taking a position on these, the republican threat of holding one or two plebiscites naturally raises the question why the republican politicians are not interested in and refuse to ask the peoples’ views on issues of great concern to them.

Mr. Poprzeczny’s   recent article on CIR’s  was described by Philip Ayres – biographer of Malcolm Fraser, Douglas Mawson, Cardinal Moran and Justice Owen Dixon – as

“. . .  a powerful, scholarly article on the limited nature of Australian democracy, which is not, strictly speaking, democracy at all, but something more accurately described as ballotocracy.”

A powerful panel will join the speakers, offering comments and answering questions from the delegates.

The ACM National Council will meet during the conference, and there will be an option of taking excursions around the beautiful city of Perth on the Sunday at a time when the wildflowers are at their best.

For a brochure or more information, please contact the National Office.  


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