January 11

The Kings Speech: discerning Australians

Cinema owners must have taken advice from the republican movement who insist Australians are not interested in the monarchy. 
What other resaon could there be for placing what is proving to be an extrordinarily successful film into too few cinemas. 

And the public are not backward in letting them know.

 I was pleased to read that The King's Speech was going to be opened in more cinemas, wrote Janice Gooden of  Mount Hunter NSW to The Sydney Morning Herald on 8 January.

Her letter, published under “ Too far to go,” continued: 

"We had to travel to the north shore from the Campbelltown area earlier this week to see it Do the distributors believe that people who live around here aren't educated enough to enjoy it?

"It is not the first time that films have been deemed too highbrow for folks like us.Then on the Monday(10/1) in the Herald , under ”Unfit for a king” June Beilby of Warners Bay, NSW wrote:We citizens of Lake Macquarie, a city with twice the population of nearby Newcastle, are also treated by cinema managers as morons (Letters, January 8-9).

Our two universities of the third age have more than 1000 members, and Newcastle University caters for more than 16,000 people, which should indicate we welcome films of the calibre of The King's Speech, but my family and I had to travel to Newcastle where its only cinema was showing the film.

….financial success….

By Thursday, 6 January, reports Steve Meacham in the Herald( “Royal stutter with a local twist reigns at the box office” 10/1) The King's Speech – starring Colin Firth as the stuttering King George VI, Helena Bonham Carter as his wife (the late Queen Mother) and Geoffrey Rush as Lionel Logue, the Adelaide-born speech therapist who cures him – had earned $6,281,686 at the box office, putting it in fourth place.

But because it is showing at fewer screens, its average take per screen, $30,516, dwarfs its rivals.

We have a suggestion to cinema owners. When it comes to films about the monarchy, consult this site.
Don’t take any notice of the  republicans.

After all they lost when the dice was well and truly loaded their way.


…and the young?…

[continued below]


Linda Roxon, now Federal Minister for Health once declared  "There are no new monarchists being born. If we bide our time they will all die off. ”

On all reports the young are flocking to The King's Speech.

“I just read on the ACM webpage about the Kings Speech not being shown in many movie cinemas,” posted young Joshua Gibbins on ACM’s Facebook. 

“It's not being shown here where I live here in Melbourne, I have to travel 45 minutes on the train to see it in the city.

“I wanted to go see it 2 or 3 weeks ago now and the cinemas was like, sorry we aren't showing that move, and told me another cinema that's an hour away from me by bus might be showing it. 

“All the reviews I have read about it have been great.

"I don't understand why they don't show it, they did it to the Young Victoria movie as well, but that wasn't as goodIi heard so I won't complain. But this is kinda ridiculous."


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