August 9

Tony Abbott: 2010 Neville Bonner Oration


Young ACM Spokesman, Jai Martinkovits, recently announced details of the 2010 ACM National Conference, entitled “The Second Decade”.


From the 26th – 28th November, Constitutional Monarchists from all over Australia will gather in Sydney to plan their educational and other activities in 2011 and over the next decade.

The flyer / booking form is now available for download.



With over 50,000 supporters, ACM led the No case in the 1999 referendum, winning nationally, in all states and in 72% of electorates.

“This year The Hon. Tony Abbott MHR has agreed to deliver the much anticipated Annual Neville Bonner Oration in conjunction with the National Conference,” Jai said. “This will be the conference's keynote address, being delivered on the Saturday night, 27th November.”


“Tony Abbott, ACM's first Executive Director, is a man who proceeds from principles,” Jai added. “His projection into the role of Leader of Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition in Australia, although constantly in the public eye, has not seen Tony shy away from his convictions.”

“Tony Abbott has made it very clear that he does not think that Australia is anywhere near a politicians’ republic, even when the Queen is no longer our monarch. He declared in Battlelines  that come 2020 Australia will still be a Crowned Republic," ACM’s National Convenor Professor David Flint said.

He added: “Describing his respect for the Monarchy being as natural as respecting his parents, Tony Abbott sees that Australia's system of Government is ours and it works.”


The 2009 Neville Bonner Oration was delivered by the Hon. John Howard, Australia's 25th Prime Minister, 1996 -2007.

Bookings are now being accepted by the ACM office, get in quick!



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