December 4

Tony Abbott explains: Why I am a constitutional monarchist

When the Leader of the Opposition Tony Abbott MP addressed Young ACM last year, he explained why he is a constitutional monarchist.

"For me,,it is as natural as respecting your parents,"  he said.

In his recent book, Battlelines, he predicts “Come 2020, we will still be a “crowned republic.”  

(The 2020 Summit was the name of a major government talkfest held in Canberra last year. By carefully selecting the delegates, a vote of 98:1 was secured for some undefined politicians' republic. The delegates then resolved both in the governance panel and at the plenary session to end all constitutional links with the UK. They apparently overlooked or were not aware of the fact that all such remaining links were brought to an end in 1986 with the Australia Acts

As one leading republican said, the 2020 Summit took on the appearance of a Mad Hatters Tea Party.  It should be compared with the 1998 Constitutional Convention.)



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