March 17

Tony Abbott learned much at ACM from our indigenous leader, Neville Bonner

In a major speech on indigenous affairs, the Leader of HM Australian Opposition Tony Abbott has  revealed that it was as executive Director of Australians for Constitutional Monarchy that he had developed his determination to work with Aboriginal people about their issues and not simply reading about them and developing solutions from a distance.

 Since he became an MP and even as a Minister with other portfolios, he has done what few other politicians do- he has spent time among the Aboriginal people.


…mentor at ACM …


His mentor was was the late Neville Bonner whose speech in defence of our Federal Commonwealth under the Crown was so moving that it attracted the only standing ovation at the 1998 Constitutional Convention.

Neville Bonner was one of the original signatories of the ACM Charter, and was an influential member of our leadership group.  Those who were involved will remember what a uniquely broadbased grassroots association ACM was.

And it still is.

Mr. Abbott confirmed he will propose an amendment to recognise Indigenous Australians in the Constitution. If the Coalition wins September's election, within 12 months of taking office, he will put forward for public consultation a draft constitutional amendment and establish a bipartisan process to assess its chances of success.



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