March 25

UK Poll – minuscule support for Republic


A major British pollster, YouGov, has found that support for abolishing the monarchy was down to 13 percent.

The poll also shows that once there has been a debate and a wider understanding of the issues, be different.

  A plurality (45%) now supports Prince Charles succeeding the Queen aginst 37% favouring Prince William. Such an idea is pushed by some columnists and curiously republicans.


In Sydney’s Daily Telegraph on 22 March 2011 columnist Sarrah Le Marquand made the baseless claim that monarchists are calling on Prince Charles to stand aside for Prince William. She could have checked the facts.

Monarchists understand the constitution and know that Prince Charles is a worthy heir.

Instead it was the opportunist and minuscule UK republican group which works closely with the Australian and other republican movements.  Their aim was not to support but to undermine the monarchy.

The UK group has become so desperate they have also threatened legal action against the BBC particularly over the broadcast of and news about the Royal Wedding (Daily Mail 25/3)

The YouGov poll also found  75 percent of respondents want to see an end to the preference males enjoy in the succession.  71 percent support ending the rule against Catholics.
 The Queen has indicated she has no opposition to such changes.
But any change is of course a matter for the Realms. This may be discussed at CHOGM in Perth in October


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