August 22

Kevin Rudd: Mr. Speaker?

Kevin Rudd as Speaker? This was the proposal of Andrew Bolt on the ABC’s Insiders on the morning after the election. Under the Constitution, the Speaker has a casting but not deliberative vote. In particular he would not be able to vote on a motion of no confidence.  He suggests Tony Abbott propose Mr Rudd.  He also proposes the Speaker's powers be enhanced and that he or she be made as independent as the Speaker is at Westminster. 

The latter is important but on another matter, if all this came to pass, we do hope that  Mr. Rudd restores the The Speaker's traditional robes and wig.  This would empahsise his separate role, his authority, his independence and the antiquity of his great office.



Under section 35 of the Constitution, the House of Representatives must,  before proceeding to any other business, choose a member to be the Speaker of the House.  Under section 40, the Speaker may not vote unless the numbers are equal, and then he shall have a casting vote.(mosimage)  



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