May 3

Leading Australian republican surrenders on live TV

On the morning following the Royal Wedding, the Channel 7 Sunrise programme hosted a debate between constitutional monarchist Professor David Flint, ACM National Convenor, and Mr. Joe Hildebrand the well known commentator on Sydney's highest circulating newspaper, the Daily Telegraph.

The presenters Samantha Armytage and Andrew O'Keefe asked very relevant questions and were obviously well informed on the issues.

The debate is notable because of Mr. Hildebrand's "surrender" on air to the constitutional monarchy.

Professor Flint explained the polling, and how the uncommitted contain a large number of constitutional monarchists who do not wish to indicate their preference to the media.

He pointed out that republican support for a vague undefined republic splinters once a preferred model is announced.

And he argued that republicans are in eror in thinking the end of the reign will be a silver bullet which will deliver some unknown republic into the republicans' laps




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