June 20

The Crown and The Russian Orthodox Church


The republican movement is mistaken in many things. Let us just consider two assumptions which they believe will ensure that Australia will become a republic, without the republicans having to campaign, work out what they want, or even leave their inner city salons.
The first assumption is that the young overwhelmingly support a republic. But all the evidence is to the contrary. Indeed the indications are, as we noted in this column on 6 September 2006, that support for republicanism among the young is in free fall.
The second assumption is that those Australians whose origins are not wholly or principally from Britain are republican. The republicans are entitled to believe what they want, but this is also untrue.
As just one example, consider this letter we published here on 2 November, 2005. The letter, dated 25 March 2005, was addressed to His Excellency the Governor- General, Major General Michael Jeffery AC CVO and reads:
“Your Excellency,
The 14th Diocesan Conference of the clergy and laity of the Russian Orthodox Church (Abroad) in Australia and New Zealand, under the chairmanship of His Grace, the Most Reverend Archbishop Hilarion, sends greetings to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, and wishes to affirm its loyalty and respect to our Sovereign Lady on behalf of the Church and the Russian community in general.
The Diocesan Conference prays for Her Majesty’s well being and that of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Yours sincerely,
Archpriest Gabriel Makarov,
Deputy Chair of the Diocesan Assembly."
This year is the centenary of the decision taken in 1907 by the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox church to authorise the adaption for use in English speaking countries, of services taken from the Book of Common Prayer.  The adaption includes the State Prayers for The Queen and the Royal Family.
The decision was later also adopted by the Antiochian Orthodox Patriarchate.
To commemorate this centenary, the adapted Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at the Anglican Church of St. Mary the Virgin, 240 Birrell Street, Waverley, in Sydney, [on the corner of Carrington Road and
opposite Waverley College], on Saturday the 7th of July, 2007, the Orthodox feast of the Nativity of Saint  John the Baptist.
The service will begin with the Liturgical Reception of the Archbishop and Mattins at 10.30AM. Archbishop Hilarion will preside and the Divine Liturgy will be celebrated at 11.00AM by Fr. Michael, superior of Saint Petroc Monastery, with Fr. Barry Jefferies as  Deacon and Fr. John Whiteside as Sub Deacon. The choir will be led by Russian Orthodox Sub Deacon Peter Ball.  Archbishop Hilarion will preach the sermon.   

All are welcome:-
on Saturday, 7July, 2007
at St. Mary the Virgin, 249 Birrell Street, cnr Carrington Road, Waverley, in Sydney,
at 1030AM for Mattins, and
at 11AM for the Divine Liturgy


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